Blog design and digital scrapbooking elements created by Adori Graphics »

April 3, 2011

Springtime Fractions with The First Grade Parade


has an AMAZING fraction activity!!! Head over here to check her out!


April 1, 2011

Under construction already

I LOVE the look of my blog BUT

I do not love that I can not fit the full screen of a video like the one below.

Please bear with me as I find a solution that I will enjoy!

Eric Carle- From Head to Toe

Our school board has recently began an initiative that requires all elementary schools in the district to have a magnet focus. The school that I work at has chosen to do a spin off of Microsociety. Teachers and staff will lead small groups (14 or less) of students in creating and running their own business, while incorporating math and reading standards. I currently work in Kindergarten and many of my K-1 colleagues were designing cutesy companies that I would love to run (paper craft company, day salon, artist’s colon. I would love to lead ANY and ALL of those but what about the boys? Specifically the “active” boys (& girls)? So I wracked my brain to come up an outlet for those students who needed an outlet. Enter……


Not only would this allow a physical outlet but will also teach them self discipline as the end goal would be for them to explain Kindergym safety and procedures and lead an “exercise” class to fellow students.

Mrs. Kimbrell posted yesterday about a few Eric Carle videos that could be used in the classroom.

I think “From head to toe” would be an awesome warm up/ cool down routine, not to mention an EASY way to incorporate the standards! My head is filling with ideas to incorporate!